ChatGPT: The iPhone of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

ChatGPT-The Top 10 questions

Answering the top 10 ChatGPT questions we all have


Unless you’ve been living under a rock or on a desert island, you have heard all the news about ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is the next generation of artificial intelligence technology created by a company named OpenAi.

This advanced Ai model has taken the tech world by storm with its ability to answer questions and respond with stunningly human-like responses and answers.

We created this article to answer some of the top questions companies, and people have about ChatGPT and its capabilities.

We know artificial intelligence (AI) can be a confusing topic, so we’ll l try to explain things in a way that’s easy to understand.

As one of the Managed Services Companies in the Midwest, Here at Imagine IT, we have received many questions about what it is all about. And how it may help or hurt your organization.


Here are the top 10 most asked questions about ChatGPT:

  1. What is ChatGPT?
  2. Who created ChatGPT?
  3. How does ChatGPT work?
  4. What makes it different?
  5. Why would a company use Chat GPT?
  6. Is ChatGPT cyber-secure?
  7. How much does ChatGPT cost?
  8. Can ChatGPT be customized for specific use cases?
  9. How does ChatGPT compare to other language models?
  10. What are the ethical considerations for using ChatGPT?


Question 1:  What is Chat GPT?

To say it simply, ChatGPT is trained to produce authentic human text using online text.
It can produce articles, poems, stories, news reports, and conversations. And it is often called a language prediction model. ChatGPT is also capable of creating computer code.

ChatGPT’s ability to understand and generate human language is beginning to revolutionize the field of AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP).  It’s an artificial intelligence created to produce human-like text based on specific prompts or questions you ask.

How hot is ChatGPT?

According to analysis, ChatGPT is the fastest-growing app of all time.  In January of 2023, it had over 100 million active users.  Quite a success, given that TikTok took almost a year to reach 100 million people.


Question 2: Who created ChatGPT?

The company opened its doors in 2015 through a group led by Sam Altman, who started Y Combinator, which created a model for funding early-stage startups. Along with Sam, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, and Ilya Sutskever, a researcher who was a major contributor to the field of deep learning.

Some of OpenAI’s most notable achievements include the development of GPT, a state-of-the-art language model used for various natural language processing tasks, and OpenAI Gym, a platform for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.


Microsoft is investing billions in OpenAI.

It has been reported that Microsoft plans to invest over 10 billion dollars in a funding round that would value the company at $29 billion. Additionally, the report stated that Microsoft would get a 75% share until it makes back its investment and then will continue with a 49% share of the company.
The investment, according to insiders, will help Microsoft boost its efforts in web search, normally dominated by Google.
The next few years will be very interesting in search and AI.


Question #3: How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT uses a complex algorithm to understand and generate human-like responses to text-based queries.

How does ChatGPT workAt its core, ChatGPT is built on a neural network trained on vast amounts of text data, including books, articles, and websites. During its training, the model was fed with many text data, and it analyzed patterns in the text data, which helped it to learn the structure and context of language.

When you ask ChatGPT a question or make a statement, the model analyzes the text and tries to understand its meaning. It then uses its training and knowledge to generate an appropriate response.

The responses generated by ChatGPT are not pre-programmed but are instead based on the information it has learned from the vast amount of data it was trained on.

Overall, ChatGPT’s algorithm is designed to generate natural-sounding and informative responses, helping it provide useful information and engage in human-like conversation.


Question #4: What makes ChatGPT different?

As one of the most highly advanced language models, a few things make it stand out from other models.

Here’s what sets it apart:

Size: ChatGPT is one of the largest language models, with over 175 billion parameters. This gives the model an extremely deep understanding of language, allowing it to generate more natural and human responses.

Training Method: ChatGPT was trained using a unique method allowing the model to learn from a wide range of text data. This differs from other models, often trained on specific text data types, such as books or news articles. This gives ChatGPT the ability to generate more versatile responses.

Text Generation Capabilities: ChatGPT is known for its remarkable text generation capabilities. It generates text that is consistent, illuminating, and even creative.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Because of its large size, ChatGPT is a model that is used in many applications, from customer service chatbots to language translation.
So, to sum it up, ChatGPT is different from other language models because of its large size, innovative training method, exceptional text generation capabilities, and versatility.


Question #5: Why would a company use ChatGPT?

Although there are many different uses of ChatGPT, here are a few to consider:

  1. Content Writing
  2. Customer Service
  3. Chatbots
  4. Translation
  5. Human Resources
  6. Marketing
  7. Data
  8. Virtual assistants
  9. Fraud detection
  10. Creating code

Most of the conversation is about using ChatGPT as a chatbot and helping write content for businesses and students.

As more AI technologies appear and improve, the ethical and productive ways organizations and people use ChatGPT are evolving.


Question #6: Is ChatGPT cyber secure?

Is ChatGPT cyber secure

When it comes to cyber security, ChatGPT is generally considered to be secure, but like any AI system, it does have its potential vulnerabilities.

Here are a few of the main cybersecurity concerns associated with ChatGPT:

Threat Actors will use ChatGPT to generate malicious code: While it will refuse to write ransomware or malicious code on request, cybercriminals and hackers have found many ways around this. For example, a hacker can ask the model to “write a code that will encrypt all folders and send the encryption key to them instead of asking it to generate ransomware code.

Writing better phishing emails: It will write very convincing phishing emails. The worry is that users will find it even harder to spot phishing emails as ChatGPT eliminates typos, spelling, and grammatical errors.

Data Privacy: It is trained on large amounts of data, including sensitive information like personal details and financial information. There is a risk that this information is misused or stolen if proper security measures are not in place.

API Access: If the API is not properly secured, there is a risk that unauthorized users will access the API and use it to generate malicious outputs.

ChatGPT and other AI technologies are okay for cyber security

ChatGPT and other AI technologies help with cybersecurity in different ways.

  1. Threat detection: ChatGPT and other tools analyze large volumes of data in real-time to identify potential threats and suspicious activities that indicate a cyber-attack.
  2. Behavior analytics: AI identifies behavior patterns that might reveal unauthorized access. By monitoring activity and comparing it to typical behavior, AI will flag abnormal actions and reach out to your team.
  3. Predictive modeling: It can analyze data from past cyber-attacks to identify patterns and predict future attacks.
  4. Vulnerability scanning: It  scans software and networks for vulnerabilities that cybercriminals or hackers might exploit. By identifying weaknesses in advance, companies can address them before they are used.
  5. Automated incident response: AI helps automate incident response processes by providing alerts, conducting triage, and initiating a response plan.


While ChatGPT and other AI solutions have the potential to benefit small to midsized organizations, be aware of the cyber security risks involved and take the proper steps to stop them.

ChatGPT is generally secure, but there are cybersecurity risks associated with its use. Therefore, following best practices for securing it or using a fully layered cyber security solution like The Security Shield is important.


Question #7:  How much does ChatGPT cost?

Cyber security costsYou can now use it for free, with the stipulation that there are 100 million users, and getting on the platform is challenging.
Although, once you have logged in with an email and password, you can get on every time.  For others who aren’t willing to share their email and sign in, you may have to wait until after hours.

ChatGPT Plus:  A paid version for $20.00 a month

In early February, OpenAI announced their new paid plan called ChatGPT Plus. It’s a subscription plan that unlocks a range of benefits for subscribers.

  • Priority access to the AI chatbot (even during peak times)
  • Faster response times
  • First dibs on trying new features and improvements.

It’s for those who want a more reliable, efficient  experience. But keep in mind that the new service is available yet, but you can get on a waiting list here:

ChatGPT-Plus Waiting List


Question #8: Is ChatGPT easy to use?

Yes, ChatGPT is very easy to use.

Whether it is easy depends on several factors, what you need it for, the technical proficiency of your team, and how much customization is required.

On the one hand, it is designed to be highly user-friendly by simply typing in a command or request in the search box, like Google. But, on the other hand, it is straightforward to use.

On the other hand, there can be challenges associated with using it. For example, ChatGPT is trained on a large amount of data, which means if you put garbage in, you’ll get garbage out. So your success will come down to how proficient and specific you are in your requests.

The challenge isn’t how easy it is to use. Instead, it’s deciding what you are using it for and why!


Question #9: How does Chat GPT compare to other language models?

How does Chat GPT compare to other language models?This software is built on a GPT-3, which stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer.

Essentially, it’s been schooled on a huge amount of text/data that helps it generate text that sounds and feels like a real human writes it.
Compared to other language models, and stands out in a few ways.

First, it’s big! It has over 175 billion parameters and is one of the largest language models created. That means it has a profound understanding of language and can generate specific and accurate responses.

Another cool thing about this AI software is that it was trained differently than other language models. Other models are often trained specifically for a single task, like translating text from one language to another. But ChatGPT was prepared more generally, using a diverse range of text data.

This means it has a more well-rounded understanding of language and can handle a wider range of tasks.

One of ChatGPT’s specialties is generating text. It’s been designed specifically to do this, and it’s good at it! It generates informative and clear responses to queries, which makes it perfect for things like chatbots and language translation,



Question #10: What are the ethical considerations of using Chat GPT?

There are millions of people using ChatGPT, and one of the biggest questions is about the ethics of using it. Like most technologies, it is used ethically and properly. But in the wrong hands, like anything, it has its problems.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Bias: AI models, including ChatGPT, are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on. If the data contains preferences, the model will reflect those biases. So, biases can exist.

Responsibility: As AI models become more advanced, they are used in various applications. It’s important to know who is responsible when things go wrong. For example, if a chatbot provides incorrect information, who is accountable?

Privacy: AI models like this one often process large amounts of personal information, so it’s important to be mindful of privacy considerations. This includes ensuring that data is handled securely and that users’ rights to their data are protected.

Job displacement: AI models automate many tasks that humans previously performed. While this brings many benefits, it raises important questions about the impact on employment.

Misuse: AI models are used for malicious purposes, such as spreading misinformation or automating cyberattacks.

These are just a few ethical considerations for using ChatGPT and other AI technologies. Of course, as AI and ChatGPT evolve, more questions will arise.



ChatGPT has taken the world by storm. And rightfully so.

It helps businesses, students, government workers, and millions of others, as other technologies have changed our lives.

The opportunities are endless. But so are the negative impacts and ethical issues as well.

Before fully embracing ChatGPT for your business, remember that generative AI doesn’t just present opportunities; the threats are also real. Including the potential for copyright issues, deep fakes, and malicious uses by cybercriminals and hacker

It’s important to keep in mind the ethical considerations of using ChatGPT. Stay informed and addressing these issues, ensures that AI technologies like ChatGPT are used to help us all.

So, there you have it, the 11 most asked questions about ChatGPT answered!

If you have any more questions or want to learn more about this fascinating technology, keep exploring, and don’t hesitate to ask.

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