
Leveraging IT and technology to manage sensitive government data, protect and detect security threats, increase citizen involvement, free core agencies, and reduce your labor shortage.

We are committed to your cause and meeting the needs of your citizens.

Why are local governments turning to Managed IT Services?

Today’s economic environment requires local and municipal governments to leverage IT and technology services to engage citizens, control costs, and streamline services.

Unfortunately, many local governments’ IT systems are outdated, have inadequate staffing platforms, and are difficult to upgrade due to bureaucracy.

To overcome these challenges, government agencies are now hiring government-focused Managed IT Services like Imagine IT

You want an IT partner that specializes in IT support for municipal governments.

Once you have that, you can …

Imagine IT is a strategy-driven Managed IT and Cyber Security Provider for local and municipal governments


Imagine IT: next-gen IT support and cybersecurity solutions for local & municipal governments

Working with local governments in Kansas and Minnesota. 

Our services include:

Our experience and focus on government technology strategies give us unique government expertise that other IT providers may not offer

Emerging technologies: Transforming government IT and legacy systems

Better technology for better government

Much of government is weighed down by paper and outdated processes that aren’t efficient for the staff or citizens.

Governments with a strategic technology plan that shifted or expanded digital operations faired much better during the COVID-19 crisis.

Almost overnight, governments had to adapt to a remote workforce that needed digital access to databases, documents, and vital IT and technology Infrastructures.

What factors should be considered when choosing the next technology tool?

Citizens expect digital solutions they receive from the private sector and expect the same from their government.

At Imagine IT, we'll help you provide services more efficiently, transparently, and cost-effectively

Increased citizen engagement

How technology is driving success

There are many moving parts in the management of small or large cities or townships. This includes public transportation, infrastructure, parks and buildings, and so much more.

Managing these critical functions is difficult, and creating a safe, comfortable, efficiently run city or county for your citizens is a big priority … and your mission.

Digital technology is transforming the way cities engage with their citizens

Governments can’t afford to put off adopting new technologies

At Imagine IT, we are excited about the role technology plays in providing opportunities for residents to engage in civic life

Securing local governments from ever-evolving cybersecurity threats

Why local governments remain at risk

No government agency is too big or too small for cyber-criminals and hackers. Large and small municipal police departments, sanitation districts, treatment clinics, school districts, and health and human services have all been victims of cybercrime and breaches.

An audit of government breaches shows that they lacked an “intrusion detection prevention system.”

There are 2,720 local governments in Minnesota and 1,993 in Kansas. These offices house an immense amount of data. Including personally identifiable information, names, addresses, driver’s license numbers, credit card numbers, and social security numbers.

All of this data can be held for ransom or sold on the dark web

New and emerging connected technologies offer cities and counties an incredible opportunity to serve their citizens and employees.

However, it also brings big security risks and challenges for governments.

Local and municipal governments need a fully-layered cybersecurity solution

Introducing: The Security Shield

An enterprise-level, fully layered cybersecurity solution for governments

The Security Shield is a collection of next-gen security tools and processes.

This collection of cybersecurity tools provides enterprise-grade protection for your workers and your citizens.

In short, we will:

Modernizing legacy technology: one of the biggest challenges for governments

Legacy modernization is not new to governments,  or is the need to get the most out of inflexible legacy technology systems.

While legacy IT and technology are a challenge faced by the entire public sector, it’s especially felt by local governments. All of you have seen your budgets to drive modernization squeezed year after year.

Legacy systems are negatively affecting your ability to serve

The problem with legacy technology and infrastructure aren’t just that it’s outdated or slow — it’s also that it’s no longer able to keep up with the evolving needs of your citizens or workers.

This is compounded by the fact that technology contracts from traditional suppliers tend to be long, inflexible, and expensive, making it difficult to modernize or evolve digital strategies.

By switching to the cloud and updating legacy systems, government agencies will be able to better serve their mission and attract and retain younger talent.

The widening worker skills gap

Digital transformation may be underway in most local governments, but updating and embracing emerging technology is only part of the equation.

With over 145 million full-time workers in state and local governments in the United States, people and not technology creates the biggest hurdle.

Unfortunately, years of legacy technology have meant that local governments and citizens are now experiencing a huge digital skills gap.

The competition for experienced IT and cyber security talent is intense

As one of the top Managed IT Services providers in the midwest, we understand just how hard it is to attract and retain the top technology talent.

This is where an experienced government IT Service provider can make a world of difference.

With Imagine IT, you get the best strategic technology minds, along with cyber security, network administrators, help desk, and collaboration experts.

Leveraging tech to manage and engage your remote workforce

As employees shifted to working from home, local governments were also hit hard. Here are a few examples of how technology can inspire your remote workforce.

Imagine IT will help you leverage technology to inspire your team to excel from anywhere

Are you ready to talk or just kicking the tires?

At the end of the day, we want to help local governments leverage IT and technology and be secure.

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