A Cybersecurity Solution You Can Trust

Beyond just defense, our Security Shield offers a complete, enterprise-grade cybersecurity strategy designed for small to mid-sized organizations.

Enjoy peace of mind with protection that anticipates threats, safeguards your operations, and ensures business continuity before, during, and after any security event.

remote workers
Securing remote
Malware and
Phishing Emails

Is your organization fully protected and cybersecure?

Are you spending too much or too little on cybersecurity? And What protections are included in your IT agreement?
At the heart of most cybersecurity concerns is having a limited budget and a lack of staff awareness.

At Imagine IT, our Security Shield is included in our IT services,
and includes employee training and a fully layered system.


What Are Your Biggest Cybersecurity Concerns.. And What’s at Stake?

Protecting your organization begins with a solid cybersecurity strategy →

Protecting Your Organization Begins
With a Clear Cybersecurity Strategy

CyberSecurity starts in the boardroom

Cybersecurity threats are one of the biggest risks that organizations and governments face.

Your cybersecurity strategy begins in the boardroom and extends to your entire team.

This understanding must drive your cyber strategies.

A successful cybersecurity strategy is a living, breathing plan. It must rely on the right tools and processes to identify, detect, protect, respond, and recover when necessary.

Beyond the firewall: Creating a cybersecurity culture

We secure and protect hundreds of organizations and thousands of end users.

Security is not just a technology challenge but a collective responsibility. By adding security awareness into your company culture, every team member becomes a proactive defender against threats.

Proactive Defense is the Best Offense

Effective cybersecurity transcends technology—it’s about preemptive action and education.

Our Cybersecurity Services and Solutions

Our next-gen cybersecurity solutions and consulting services are enterprise-grade but designed for small to midsized organizations and city and county governments.

Our Security Operations Center (SOC) protects and secures your entire organization, your staff, and your customer data. And you gain access to expert cybersecurity consultants—including virtual CISO (vCISO) services.

Comprehensive Cybersecurity Solutions - Imagine IT - Bloomington, MN

Introducing Security Shield 24/7

An enterprise-grade cybersecurity solution for small to midsized organizations and local governments

Security Shield

The Shield is a combination of enterprise-grade technologies, AI, automation, breached device isolation, and processes that monitor for suspicious activity.

It also includes recurring scans, investigations, and frequent
user training.

The Security Shield is designed around the 6 areas of NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework:

The 6 Pillars of NIST:

A Next-Generation Cybersecurity Solution

What Cybersecurity Services are Offered by Imagine IT?

Imagine IT offers cybersecurity solutions and consulting services for organizations of all sizes and local city and county governments. Our in-house cybersecurity team protects your data and end users, helps you meet compliance requirements and ensures your organization is fully protected.

Security Risk Assessments

Performing recurring cybersecurity risk assessments is crucial for several reasons:

  • Identifying new threats: Cybersecurity risks constantly evolve, and new threats emerge daily.  By conducting regular assessments, organizations can stay up-to-date on the latest threats and vulnerabilities and take steps to mitigate them before they become major problems.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of security measures: Regular risk assessments help organizations evaluate the effectiveness of their current cybersecurity measures.  By identifying gaps in their security posture, organizations can make informed decisions about where to allocate resources to improve their defenses.
  • Meeting compliance requirements: Many regulations and industry standards, such as PCI DSS and HIPAA, require regular risk assessments as part of their compliance mandates.  Failure to comply with these requirements can result in significant penalties and reputational damage.
  • Ensuring business continuity: Cybersecurity incidents can disrupt business operations and cause significant financial losses.  Regular risk assessments can help organizations identify potential threats and develop contingency plans to ensure the continuity of business operations in the event of an incident.

Cybersecurity is facing a challenge of effectiveness. The reason? Every cyber-attack is orchestrated by intelligent and creative individuals who can maneuver around technological defenses. 

Thus, IT security requires a human touch, including optimizing existing IT and security controls, tapping external experts, and deploying ongoing cyber risk management.

Sole reliance on passwords leaves your systems vulnerable to cyberattacks. The solution lies in multi-factor authentication (MFA), which utilizes extra layers of verification to confirm the identity of your users, safeguarding your vital systems. 

However, the proper implementation of MFA – encompassing documentation, training, onboarding, and help desk support – can demand resources your IT team may not readily have.

An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a critical component of cybersecurity that helps protect computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access and attacks.  

Here are several reasons why having an intrusion detection system is important:

  • Threat detection
  • Incident Response
  • Compliance Auditing
  • Protection of Sensitive Data
  • Proactive Security
  • Network Visibility

A network intrusion detection system is essential to a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to safeguard against today’s digital world’s constantly evolving threat landscape.

Utilizing next-generation Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR), Extended Detection & Response (XDR), or Managed Detection & Response (MDR) antivirus solutions is important for several reasons:

  • Advanced threat detection
  • Rapid incident response
  • Enhanced visibility and control
  • Simplified Management
  • Proactive threat hunting
  • Affordable cyber insurance
  • Compliance and regulatory requirements

Utilizing next-gen EDR/XDR/MDR antivirus solutions provide a more robust and proactive approach to defending against sophisticated threats, helping organizations protect their systems, data, and reputation from cyber threats.

The Security Shield combines enterprise-grade technologies, AI, breached device isolation, and threat hunting and includes recurring scans and frequent user training.

The Security Shield is fully layered and includes the following:

  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Password management
  • Email protections
  • Training

The Security Shield is designed around the “Zero-Trust” and the 6 pillars of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity 2.0 Framework:

  1. Identify
  2. Protect
  3. Detect
  4. Respond
  5. Recover
  6. Govern

In short, we will lock it down, train your users, monitor for breaches, and continually improve your cybersecurity posture.

Our client’s staff are enrolled in a Security Awareness Training Program that includes recurring phishing campaigns, training videos, and quizzes. Security awareness training is a crucial component of a cybersecurity strategy to mitigate risk and protect information assets.

Our Security Strategy is based upon a nationally recognized framework, i.e., NIST CSF.

Why is this important?

Basing your cybersecurity strategy on a framework can provide several important benefits.  Here are some reasons why it’s beneficial to establish your cybersecurity strategy on a framework:

  • A comprehensive approach
  • Standardization
  • Proven best practices
  • Risk-based approach
  • Compliance requirements
  • Scalability and flexibility
  • Efficiency and effectiveness

Adhering to a framework helps organizations enhance their cybersecurity posture, reduce vulnerabilities, and improve their overall cybersecurity resilience.

We perform internal and external vulnerability scans at least monthly. Why is this important? Performing monthly vulnerability scanning for these reasons:

  • Identify and patch vulnerabilities.
  • Compliance requirements
  • Risk management
  • Proactive security measures
  • Protect reputation and brand image.
  • Cost-effective security practice
  • Affordable cyber insurance

Monthly vulnerability scanning is essential to a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to safeguard critical systems, data, and applications from potential cyber threats.

A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) can help reduce risk in several ways:

  • Cybersecurity Strategy: A vCISO can work with the organization to develop and implement a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy tailored to their specific needs.  This can include identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities, implementing security best practices, and establishing incident response plans.
  • Risk Assessment: A vCISO can conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential security threats and vulnerabilities within the organization’s systems and networks.  This can help prioritize the implementation of security measures to reduce risk.
  • Compliance: A vCISO can ensure the organization complies with relevant industry regulations and standards, such as HIPAA or PCI DSS.  By doing so, they can help the organization avoid costly penalties and legal action due to non-compliance.
  • Training and Education: A vCISO can educate the organization’s employees on cybersecurity best practices and provide ongoing training to ensure they know the latest threats and how to respond to them.  This can reduce the risk of human error and improve overall security awareness within the organization.
  • Incident Response: In the event of a cybersecurity incident, a vCISO can lead the incident response efforts and work to mitigate the impact of the incident.  This can include forensic analysis, communication with stakeholders, and implementing measures to prevent future incidents.

We have a documented Incident Response Plan (IRP) and rehearse it annually, and we also perform tabletop exercices with our customers.

An IRP is critical for many reasons:

  • Preparedness
  • Timely response
  • Consistency
  • Affordable Cyber Insurance
  • Compliance
  • Continuous Improvements
  • Communication and Coordination

Having a documented Incident Response Plan and rehearsing it annually helps organizations minimize the impact of security incidents and protect their systems, data, and reputation.

Our client’s staff are enrolled in a Security Awareness Training Program that includes recurring phishing campaigns, training videos, and quizzes. Security awareness training is a crucial component of a cybersecurity strategy to mitigate risk and protect information assets.

Case Study / Health Care

Healthcare Solution 200% ROI Annually

Our Cybersecurity Onboarding Process

At Imagine IT, we follow a meticulous process to ensure the effective implementation and delivery of our cybersecurity services through The Security Shield.

The 5 key steps of our cybersecurity onboarding


Comprehensive Assessment


Solution Design


Seamless Implementation


Proactive Monitoring and Detection


Incident Response and Remediation

How Much Does Our Cybersecurity Cost?

To be secure, you need a fully-layered cybersecurity solution. Most IT providers follow the “wish list” approach, only Securing a few of the biggest threats, leaving you vulnerable.

Most IT providers do not include cybersecurity in their monthly fees. At Imagine IT, we look at cybersecurity as a critical business strategy. And we include it as a necessary part of our IT service fee.

If we broke out the cyber security costs, it would look like this

Per User:


NOTE: Depending on your current security position, there will be some onboarding costs to enroll in Security Shield

Our Cybersecurity

(SOC) Team

Imagine IT helps organizations of every size make better technology decisions. We do this with expertise, a team approach, and an understanding that your
technology must be fixed quickly, be cyber-secure, and be strategic.

John Doe

Job description

John Doe

Job description

John Doe

Job description

John Doe

Job description

John Doe

Job description

Are you spending too much or too little?

Budget Constraints: How much should you spend on cybersecurity?

Determining the right budget for cybersecurity is a delicate balance. Industry experts often recommend allocating about 7-12% of your IT budget for security.

However, very few organizations spend this much, even though many should. At Imagine IT, we realize it comes down to the nature and scale of your operations.

It’s critical you choose a fully layered cybersecurity solution that is tailored to your organization.

The Biggest Cybersecurity Threats For Small to Midsized Organizations and Local Governments

Understanding today’s cybersecurity challenges. Our SOC team continually monitors and analyzes the latest cyber threats and trends.

The top 5 current cyber threats include:

Phishing Attacks

Malware Attacks


Weak Passwords

Insider Threats

Are you prepared for the possibility
and eventuality of a cyber-attack?

Incident Response & Disaster Recovery

A robust incident response plan ensures you can quickly identify, contain, and remediate security incidents, minimizing their impact.

For local governments, this is particularly crucial, as the public relies on their services and the protection of sensitive data.

Disaster recovery goes hand in hand with incident response. It focuses on restoring critical functions and data after an incident.

For SMBs, downtime can be devastating, as revenue and customer trust can be quickly lost. Local governments, too, face immense pressure to maintain continuity of services.

Think of Managed Cybersecurity Services as a
dedicated cybersecurity expert at your disposal

What is Managed Cybersecurity?

Managed Cybersecurity is, in essence, a strategic decision to outsource the critical task of cybersecurity. Instead of shouldering the burden alone, you delegate this responsibility to experts with the knowledge, skills, and resources to secure your digital assets.

With Imagine IT, this means entrusting us with integral components of your cybersecurity framework, including:

By doing so, you are not just outsourcing tasks; you’re partnering with a dedicated team that works tirelessly to safeguard your organization.

What is a Managed Cybersecurity Service Provider?

An MSSP, like Imagine IT, is more than just a service provider. MSSPs are trusted partners, frontline defense, and expert consultants.
Innovative platforms, like the Cloud, Microsoft 365 and others, enable you to maximize your IT spending, streamline operations and drive sustainable growth, even when facing budget issues.
As an MSSP, we specialize in managing and monitoring your cybersecurity infrastructure around the clock.
We provide complete security services, including advanced security measures such as Multi Factor Authentication (MFA), proactive Intrusion Detection and Response and Vulnerability Scanning.

Are you prepared for the possibility
and eventuality of a cyber-attack?

Incident Response & Disaster Recovery

A robust incident response plan ensures you can quickly identify, contain, and remediate security incidents, minimizing their impact.

For local governments, this is particularly crucial, as the public relies on their services and the protection of sensitive data.

Disaster recovery goes hand in hand with incident response. It focuses on restoring critical functions and data after an incident.

For SMBs, downtime can be devastating, as revenue and customer trust can be quickly lost. Local governments, too, face immense pressure to maintain continuity of services.


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