4 Microsoft 365 Apps You Could Be Missing … that you probably already own!

Microsoft 365 For Business

Top Microsoft 365 Apps   As a Managed IT Support and Cybersecurity organization comprising almost 100 team members in Minnesota and Kansas, communication and collaboration are absolutely critical to our success. When you add that to the rapid move to remote and hybrid work, the way we work and communicate has been completely transformed. Our […]

How to Protect Your Email from Being Hacked

Email cyber security

5 critical things you should do to protect your emails from being hacked Can opening an email cause a virus and a breach to your company? Is it safe to open Microsoft Office or Google files from a friend? Which files are safe to open, and which ones should never be clicked on? How do […]

Free and Public Wi-Fi is the Greatest Thing Ever … just ask any hacker!

Cyber threats for local governments

People Love Public WiFI … Just Ask Any Hacker! Should you ever use public Wi-Fi? Is public WiFi secure? When you are traveling or working remotely., should you ever use public WiFi? At Imagine IT, we tell our partners this; Don’t ever use public Wi-Fi unless it is necessary. There are just too many advantages […]

Vishing and Smishing

Vishing and Smishing Cyber security scams

Phishing attacks are one of the most effective ways to breach your company.  And they are evolving, changing, and growing increasingly sophisticated and complex. Smishing and vishing attacks are two relatively new types of phishing attacks, Although they are becoming more and more popular as they try to lure unsuspecting victims via SMS messages (Smishing) […]

Cyber Security Alert: Roe vs. Wade

Cyber security: and digital signatures

Cybersecurity alert: Roe Vs. Wade In a very emotional and far-reaching decision, the U.S. Supreme Court officially reversed Roe vs. Wade.  As we all watched, the emotions from both sides were clear to see. For many, this Supreme Court decision has triggered emotions that have been at rest for many years.  And it has triggered a […]

Are Passwords A Thing of The Past?

Passwordless and passwords

Nobody enjoys passwords. They are inconvenient for all of us. Interestingly, some companies and specific products and services are moving away from using them.  Passwordless systems and strategies are popping up in many technology discussions. It’s clear that tech companies are eager for a passwordless world Many companies like Google, Apple, and Microsoft, are exploring […]

Ten Technologies (Inventions) That Have Changed The World

Ten Technologies (Inventions) That Have Changed The World

As you can imagine, It’s pretty difficult to create a list of the top 10 technologies that have changed the world. Why? Because there have been so many over the past few thousand years, it’s next to impossible to pick out just 10. For example, when we think of technology, we think of the internet, […]

Russian Cyberattacks … How Will They Affect Your Organization?

American Russian Flag

Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and as the Russian military escalates its attacks, the United States is bracing for another kind of attack closer to home. A Russian cyberattack on our infrastructure and our businesses. The U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency has issued a warning to all sized businesses that they should be […]