5 Proven Strategies to Safeguard Your Website from Subdomain Takeover

Subdomain Takeover

Securing your website has become more important than ever. Subdomain takeover is a significant threat in today’s digital landscape. It can compromise your website’s security and affect your brand’s reputation. By understanding the nuances of this threat and implementing effective countermeasures, you can prevent potential attacks on your domain.

This guide will provide essential steps to strengthen your website’s defenses while ensuring it remains productive and aligned with your business objectives.

What is Subdomain Takeover?

Subdomain takeover is a security vulnerability when a subdomain points to an external service (such as GitHub Pages, Heroku, or AWS) that has been deleted or is no longer used. Attackers can claim this orphaned subdomain by setting up their content, leading to unauthorized access and potential misuse.

For example, imagine your company has a subdomain called ‘blog.yoursite.com’ pointing to a GitHub Pages site where you used to host your blog. Now you’ve transitioned your blog to a new platform, deleted the GitHub Pages site, and overlooked updating your DNS settings. This leaves ‘blog.yoursite.com’ pointing to a non-existent page. An attacker notices this and quickly sets up their own GitHub Pages site, claiming ‘blog.yoursite.com’ as their own. They can then publish any content they want under your subdomain, potentially damaging your brand and compromising your users’ trust.

The Five Strategies to Protect Your Website from Subdomain Takeover

Here are the five proven strategies that can help you safeguard your website from subdomain takeover:

1. Check Your DNS Records Regularly

DNS records comprise a database or tables where Internet domain names are associated and matched with their corresponding IP addresses. This mapping is needed for translating human-readable domain names (like www.example.com) into machine-readable IP addresses (like, allowing devices to locate resources on the internet. Conducting routine checks on your DNS records by identifying and removing any obsolete or unmonitored subdomains can prevent subdomain hijacking.

  • Manual Audits: Schedule regular audits to review all active DNS entries. This ensures that any outdated or unused subdomains are promptly identified and removed.
  • Automate Monitoring: Utilize DNS monitoring tools that alert you to any real-time changes or vulnerabilities.

2. Use DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions)

DNSSEC is a set of rules and regulations that add a layer of security to your DNS records, preventing domain takeover by ensuring that users are directed to the correct IP address.

  • Enable DNSSEC: Use DNSSEC for your domain to protect against spoofing and ensure data integrity.
  • Monitor DNSSEC Logs: Regularly check DNSSEC logs for any unusual activities or discrepancies.

3. Secure Your Cloud Services

Many subdomain attacks stem from misconfigured or abandoned cloud services. Ensuring that these services are securely managed can mitigate the risk of takeover.

  • Regularly Update and Patch: Ensure all cloud services have the latest security patches and updates.
  • Conduct Security Audits: Regularly audit cloud service configurations to ensure they are not vulnerable.

4. Use CNAME Flattening

CNAME flattening enables you to direct your root domain to a CNAME record while keeping the underlying infrastructure hidden, reducing the risk of subdomain takeover.

  • Implement CNAME Flattening: This ensures that your DNS configurations are simplified and less prone to mismanagement.
  • Monitor DNS Changes: Regularly review any changes to your DNS configurations to ensure they align with best practices. Monitor Subdomain Activity.

5. Monitor Subdomain Activity

Keeping an eye on subdomain activities helps detect any unauthorized changes or potential takeovers early.

  • Set Up Alerts: Use monitoring tools to set up alerts for any changes or unusual activities on your subdomains.
  • Regular Reviews: Regularly review subdomain activities and immediately act if suspicious behavior is detected.

Boost Your Website Security with Expert Help

A well-thought-out approach is required when protecting your website against subdomain takeover. Reduce the risk of subdomain hijacking by verifying DNS records regularly, using DNSSEC, securing cloud services, employing CNAME flattening, and monitoring subdomain activities.Imagine IT is a top provider of managed IT services specializing in cybersecurity, data management, IoT, network management, and cloud services. Our expertly planned and managed cybersecurity services, with expert security designers and consultants, can guide you in securing your website. Contact us today to ensure your digital assets are safe!

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